Living Above The Jones'
In today's society standards seem to be set by the people we see on tv, in music videos, or in the movies. We have become so preoccupied with trying to live a certain way that our priorities are distorted. We conform to the so called "unwritten rules" that suggest if you dont live or act like society's elite, you won't be considered part of the "in-crowd." Embracing this concept usually leads you on a path to failure. We try so hard to live above the Jones', subsquently we find ourselves living above our means, not realizing that certain decisions that we make will negatively affect our lives. Im not saying that you shouldn't live a lavish lifestyle, but if your expenses outweigh your earnings, you need to rethink your mode of operation. Don't try to become someone you're not. Society doesn't define you, you define yourself. Manage your money wisely, set your own standards and in succession, the Jones' will be trying to live above you.
I am intrigued by your approach to wealth after 30 years in business. Most writers do not bring the depth of your insight. When are you releasing Mr. wealth4life on people that sop too much on credit cards? or Mr. Wealth teaching the discipline of investment? let me kbow.
Meanwhile, keep up the good work. and visit my blog at
Pardon my mispelling of the word shop above. Discard the sop.
Interesting point of view. Give me more.
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