Greed: Society's Achilles Heel?
They say, "the love of money is the root of all evil," so does that mean we shouldn't strive to be wealthy? Well the keyword in that statement is "love," money isnt evil. It might sound contradicting, but it is fairly simple; having money isnt evil but loving money can cause our cognitive reasoning to become perverted. We end up compromising our beliefs to fufill our selfish wants, justifying our actions with petty excuses. We live in a dog eat dog rat race so we place morals on the back burner to stay above the rest, not realizing in doing so, we are hurting ourselves and the people around us. Greed is a stifling disease, and if not treated will eat you alive. That is why we as a nation are currently in ecomonic distress, because of bad choices made by greedy CEO's and Wall Street moguls. Would you like to learn how to be financially independent and not worry about what decisions the CEO's make? Click here and sign up, you'll be one step closer to achieving that goal.
Wow, I am further impressed by your topics. I agree with your take on greed. But, some say that is greed is good. Is it true?
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