Monday, June 22, 2009

Recession Proof

Do you feel like no matter what you do, it seems as if you will always be susceptible to an economic recession? Well for many people this is reality and also is a great concern. You try everything to make sure that you are prepared, saving, investing, money management, but at the end of the day you're still vulnerable. While the prices of goods & commodities go up your wages remain the same, there appears to be no way around it and you are forced to deal with the situation. You are fooled into believing that there is no alternative therefore becoming a statistic of the old saying, "the rich will become richer and the poor will remain poor." Well guess what, there is hope, not momentary gain, but long term "recession proof" security. Would you like to become part of this new age of business? If this is your wish, click the link below and turn your dream into a reality.

Gateway to recession proof living


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Greed: Society's Achilles Heel?

They say, "the love of money is the root of all evil," so does that mean we shouldn't strive to be wealthy? Well the keyword in that statement is "love," money isnt evil. It might sound contradicting, but it is fairly simple; having money isnt evil but loving money can cause our cognitive reasoning to become perverted. We end up compromising our beliefs to fufill our selfish wants, justifying our actions with petty excuses. We live in a dog eat dog rat race so we place morals on the back burner to stay above the rest, not realizing in doing so, we are hurting ourselves and the people around us. Greed is a stifling disease, and if not treated will eat you alive. That is why we as a nation are currently in ecomonic distress, because of bad choices made by greedy CEO's and Wall Street moguls. Would you like to learn how to be financially independent and not worry about what decisions the CEO's make? Click here and sign up, you'll be one step closer to achieving that goal.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Living Above The Jones'

In today's society standards seem to be set by the people we see on tv, in music videos, or in the movies. We have become so preoccupied with trying to live a certain way that our priorities are distorted. We conform to the so called "unwritten rules" that suggest if you dont live or act like society's elite, you won't be considered part of the "in-crowd." Embracing this concept usually leads you on a path to failure. We try so hard to live above the Jones', subsquently we find ourselves living above our means, not realizing that certain decisions that we make will negatively affect our lives. Im not saying that you shouldn't live a lavish lifestyle, but if your expenses outweigh your earnings, you need to rethink your mode of operation. Don't try to become someone you're not. Society doesn't define you, you define yourself. Manage your money wisely, set your own standards and in succession, the Jones' will be trying to live above you.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Wealth without Compromise

Would you like to know how to gain wealth without compromising your values? Imagine that you have just lost your job. What do you do next? The rent is due, you're behind on your car payments, and on top of that you have a family to support. You begin to fall into a state of depression because it seems there is no way out. You try everything you can to make ends meet but your efforts are of no avail. Then you remember that you have a friend who said, "whenver you need some money just call me and I'll take care of you." But there's usually always a catch, "You do something for me and I'll do something for you," and that "something" is nine times out of ten illegal. You struggle trying to decide whether this alternative is worth it or not. Your intentions are commendable, but are your actions going to be justified? My first advice to you is don't become another statistic. Too many people are at their wits end and feel that they have to succomb to the temptations that plague our society. Be above the influence, don't settle for less, there are several other ways to deal with the situation. I know because I've also been in that same predicament. But Mr. Wealth has a solution for you, sign up for, there you will recieve step by step instructions to becoming financially free. Try it, and your life will not be the same again.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Join Mr. Wealth

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about wealth? Is is money, houses, cars, Bill Gates, Oprah? Well if those were some of the thoughts you had, you think like 90% of Americans. Although there are several words affiliated with wealth, it is most commonly associated with being rich. That's where Mr. Wealth comes in, to break the stereotypical barrier that wealth is solely based on having a lot of money. Don't get me wrong, money and wealth do go hand in hand, but there is more to it then meets the eye. Follow me as I explore the different aspects of wealth and become wealthy at the same time. I only have one rule if you plan to follow me, make sure you follow me from start to finish. By clicking the link below and signing up, you can start off on the right track.


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